2014-04-25 Eclipse and Dark GTK Theme

If you are a happy user of a dark GTK theme, then you are probably familiar with this:
Are you happy now?
That's how it looks like with Boje-Greyscale theme, I am sure that it is pretty bad on other themes as well.

Here is the process I use:

  • Install this: https://raw.github.com/guari/eclipse-ui-theme/master/com.github.eclipseuitheme.themes.updatesite (Help/Install New Software)
  • It will ask you to restart Eclipse. Fine...
  • After restart open Window/Preferences/General/Appearance. Choose !MoonRise theme.
    Still, there are things you cannot unsee...
  • It will tell you that the restart is required, ignore this.
  • It is way better now:
    I still can't read anything
    However, the editor window is still trying to pull your eyeballs out. To fix that we will install this: http://eclipse-color-theme.github.io/update/ (Same process: Help/Install New Software)
  • It will tell you that restart is required. That is true, restart now.
  • Window/Preferences/General/Appearance/Color Theme, choose any theme you like. Sunburst should be OK.
  • Congratulations! You have fixed your eclipse. :)

Some software could be installed from marketplace, but for some reason I am not a fan of it.
