2014-08-30 ALS Boobs Challenge

I was challenged by Anatoli Belski. Here is the video:


I nominate Steve Jobs, Osama bin Laden and Jesus Christ. Remember, you have only 24 hours.

While morally unprepared people from all over the world are washing their raw heads with cold water, I am trying to cope with my sadness about the disaster we are all heading for.

Sure, I am glad for researchers, scientists and thieves who will get this raised money, and I have no doubt that this is going to have a positive impact on ALS research too. But how is this going to help globally?

And why ALS? Lets look at what they say:

"It is estimated that ALS is responsible for nearly two deaths per hundred thousand population annually."

Oh, that's why it is so important.


2/100000 ?

That's 0.002%, right?

Don't get me wrong, I am glad that some people who usually spend hundreds of dollars on computer games will now donate 10 bucks for ALS research. But I am not sure if this low-efficiency short-term trend will cause more benefit than harm in a long run. Just imagine, all these noncaring heaps of meat now have a justification for their lives. They've done something potentially useful, now they can peacefully procrastinate till their deaths. It is like no one can shame them anymore.

But shame is good. It makes us not to do silly stuff and for some people it is a great motivation to start doing something smart.

However, some people have no shame:
Surprisingly, all of these videos were removed. What a coincidence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EnqAHbUViE – completely or partially naked chicks showing off their breasts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54aWEQjSRwA – partially naked chicks showing off their breasts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0UaUTdiSsE – partially naked chicks showing off their breasts

And some people are just plain stupid:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQlvW0aFnKo – lots of people hurting themselves. Because it is so damn hard to turn a bucket over.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEGZXT5SLvE – lots of people hurting themselves. Because it is so damn hard to turn a bucket over.

I thought that the days of chain letters are over, but it seems like I did not take into account that there is a new generation of youngsters who don't even know what is a "letter".

Please be conscious.



-- AlexSchroeder 2014-09-12 15:38 UTC


2014-08-14 I Am Fed up, Goodbye Skype

I have fixed both logos. You are welcome.

UPDATE: Starting from late 2017 I use Matrix/Riot.

I have been trying to switch from skype for years. Every now and then I tried different instant messengers, but none of them were good enough to switch.

Why bother? Because Skype is horrible. Here is a list of issues I have:

  1. No video conferences.
  2. Sometimes audio is glitchy. To fix this you should restart the call several times until it works.
  3. Horrible default settings:
    1. All notifications are turned on. (with sound)
    2. 'Busy' status after 5 minutes of inactivity.
    3. Skype is allowed to change microphone volume level. Of course it cannot do it right.
    4. Animated smileys are turned off, if someone sends you a smiley you will only see the first keyframe.
  4. If for some reason notifications were not turned off, skype will go "BZZZZZZZZZ" if someone sends me a file. The only way to fix this is to restart skype and perhaps turn off the notification.
  5. Well, these are non-issues since you can change the settings, right?

Wrong. Skype will reset the settings every time you kill it, e.g. after power outage.

And I did not even touch privacy and security concerns.

If you are one of those who want to respond "Oh, Skype does not work nicely in linux? Then linux is broken, use another operating system! Na-na-na...", then I have bad news for you.

Your thinking is broken.

There are several problems, let me help you with some of them:

  1. Linux is not an operating system and it is time to learn it.
  2. Only Microsoft is responsible for Skype features and bugs. There is no way free software community can fix Skype. We have no source code so we can't fix it. Damn, if I had the source code I would have fixed most of these issues myself.

These issues existed for years, why would I write about them now?

I got rid of all proprietary userspace applications:

Thanks, virtual Richard M. Stallman!

Now I only have to get a wifi card that works with free drivers.

It was a bit tricky to get rid of these:

  1. Flash - most modern websites use HTML5. Rest in piece, Flash.
  2. Dropbox - I have passed 20GB limit long time ago, so I switched to BitTorrent Sync when it was released. However, I kept using Dropbox to share screenshots. Public folder functionality is now disabled for all new users, most probably one day they will disable it for old users as well, so I had to drop Dropbox anyway. Now I upload screenshots directly to my server.
  3. BitTorrent Sync - after months of waiting for them to release the source code I gave up. It is not going to happen. Now I use Syncthing.

DropBox - a box for software that you want to drop
(Sources: trashcan by GNOME icon artists; some dropbox drawings; official logos of Adobe Flash Player, BitTorrent Sync and Skype)

Skype was the last thing I had to remove. It was hard to make that step, but thankfully they did it for me!
First of all, skype update was released. Updates are cool, right?

Wrong, not with proprietary software.

Previously I had to accept their shitty UI changes, but this time they removed ALSA support. And I don't use pulseaudio. But okay, maybe I could use my current skype version and just skip upgrades?

Sure, there you go:

(!) Windows can't boot.

I got that problem right after relogin. My laptop was up for one month so I didn't notice this problem immediately.
That time I left my laptop on without a charger plugged in, so it switched off. When I booted it, I was ready to edit skype settings again. But what a relief, Skype stopped working completely! There is no need to fix settings anymore!

Luckily, Tox is getting better every day. Although it is still in alpha, most clients support Audio and some can even do Video. Sure, there is a lot of bugs and the code is very immature, but it is already usable. And guess what, audio in uTox and Toxic works flawlessly in GNU/Linux.

And there are even some killer-features! For example, in uTox you can select a part of your screen and send it as inline image.

What would you do?

Would you relax and let it go down the throat? Or would you switch to a free alternative that is not even in beta?


This post in beyond retarded as well as your point of view seems to be. Linux is good, but not every proprietary soft is to blame, that's not the root of evil. Otherwise, it looks like you are a fanatic and this is your religion. Unfortunately such position would not help the community. Remember to be tolerant and provide only constructive criticism, otherwise it looks like unnecessary rage.

-- Optkk 2014-08-14 10:03 UTC

Thanks, now I know that the most tolerant way to start a conversation is to tell someone that his point of view is retarded. Actually, I am not sure why would you feel offended. The only offensive thing in this post is Skype logo that was made of monkey's butt.
Are you saying that keeping my computers free from proprietary software is not going to help the community? Or maybe sharing the fact that it is possible to live without proprietary software is not going help? What is going to help then? Besides writing your own free software and contributing to other projects, which I do extensively anyway.

-- AlexDaniel 2014-08-14 15:36 UTC

I get your point.We both know that Microsoft's philosophy is the exact opposite of the UNIX's philosophy.

It does one thing and does it well.

It does nothing and makes it worse.

And for the skype dance, *nix is not the only one that got hit but OSX,Windows and even Windows Phone are having the same/worse issues which again illustrates that they only care about marketing but doesn't gives a rat's ass about their user-base.

But you should know this problem goes both ways, We the users, why are we still using products from a company does that screws us over and over and We Still Stick With It!! WHY ? Because the majority of users don't even give a damn what Operating system they are using or how worse is the quality of the software they are using or is it open/closed source.They just want to get things done without fiddling much (i.e they want to be spoon-fed) and Microsoft does this very well through marketing/advertisement.And people who like convenience over quality and functionality go to companies like these and then developers begin to create products that are going to be compatible with the majority which is formed of the above mentioned people.

And for Bittorrent Sync its really nice but sadly an opensource clone is yet to be developed.I have heard alot of good things about Sync thing but i also heard that there are some critical issues when you sync to a server or something like(irc discussion)that.But it works flawlessly on the lan.

And for Tox its a great alternative except its still under-development and i also read that it still has some legal issues but the biggest problem right now which i guess is normal is people are going to use what they are used to.Look at Gtalk, when google branded it as Hangouts how many people did take it for granted that Gtalk is gone and didn't bother to find out about Hangouts.So again we the users are also responsible for these kind of problems if only there was a great balance between quality and marketing for *nix.

P.S I Probably got carried away.

-- stark 2014-08-15 13:27 UTC

I haven't used Skype for years.

-- AlexSchroeder 2014-09-12 15:42 UTC

It is nice to see you here, Alex :)
How do you communicate with others? Sure, for simple messages you can use facebook/google+/whatever (which is what I do now with those who are not in Tox yet), but what if you want to make a call? Or what if you want to send some big file?

-- AlexDaniel 2014-09-12 21:16 UTC


2014-04-25 Eclipse and Dark GTK Theme

If you are a happy user of a dark GTK theme, then you are probably familiar with this:
Are you happy now?
That's how it looks like with Boje-Greyscale theme, I am sure that it is pretty bad on other themes as well.

Here is the process I use:

  • Install this: https://raw.github.com/guari/eclipse-ui-theme/master/com.github.eclipseuitheme.themes.updatesite (Help/Install New Software)
  • It will ask you to restart Eclipse. Fine...
  • After restart open Window/Preferences/General/Appearance. Choose !MoonRise theme.
    Still, there are things you cannot unsee...
  • It will tell you that the restart is required, ignore this.
  • It is way better now:
    I still can't read anything
    However, the editor window is still trying to pull your eyeballs out. To fix that we will install this: http://eclipse-color-theme.github.io/update/ (Same process: Help/Install New Software)
  • It will tell you that restart is required. That is true, restart now.
  • Window/Preferences/General/Appearance/Color Theme, choose any theme you like. Sunburst should be OK.
  • Congratulations! You have fixed your eclipse. :)

Some software could be installed from marketplace, but for some reason I am not a fan of it.
