2015-04-14 Switch Today, Switch Tomorrow

Last edit

Summary: Recommend Matrix/Riot


> * Use [[https://matrix.org/blog/home/ Matrix]]/[[https://riot.im/ Riot]] instead of Skype, Facebook, etc.


< * Skype, Facebook, Gmail -- none of these provide even a slightest bit of security. Encrypt everything today (unfortunately it is hard to setup) or wait for alternatives to stabilize ([[https://tox.im/ Tox]] is very promising).


> * Gmail -- doesn't provide even a slightest bit of security. Encrypt everything today (unfortunately it is hard to setup)

This page is being updated continuously.

Note: there is a high chance that you already know some of that stuff. In that case just skip to the next point, sorry for spending two seconds of your life.

Things you should start using today:

Some things are not ready today, but they will be ready eventually. You should keep an eye on these things:

And don't forget to be conscious. The problem with degrees, time and calendar could have been solved hundreds of years ago.